Large Scale Research Project, Daidalos Evaluation Framework

Cleary, Frances and Ponce de Leon, Miguel and GARCÍA MORENO, Marta and ROMERO VICENTE, Antonio and Roddy, Mark (2007) Large Scale Research Project, Daidalos Evaluation Framework. In: The European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation, 20-21 September 2007, Montpellier, France.

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For large scale research projects operational over a phased timeframe of 2 years or more, the need to take a step back and evaluate their stance and direction is an important activity in providing relevant feedback and recommendations to guide the project towards success in its consecutive phase. The identification of measurable goals and evaluation profile procedures to effectively work towards a useful evaluation of the project was one of the main aims of the Evaluation taskforce. As part of the scope of the evaluation work in Daidalos, a set of evaluation criteria for Daidalos phase I processes, results and impact were determined and used as a scoreboard for the evaluation and recommendation report. Evaluating criterion such as Relevance, Potential Impact, Scientific & Technical Excellence and Resource Mobilisation provided beneficial recommendations, taking stock of previous achievements and future innovative ideas ensuring that they will impact the project as planned. As a starting point these criteria were derived from the ones used by European Commission for evaluating R&D projects. The final evaluation report included the scoreboard results, and an analysis of these results along with a set of recommendations for Daidalos Phase II. Qualitative scenario evaluation activities were adopted and implemented in an attempt to capture the richness of people's experience of the Nidaros scenario in their own terms, conveying the Daidalos technology concept transfer towards end users. By providing you with an insight into the evaluation methodology used within the Daidalos project, we hope to broaden your knowledge by introducing you to the large scale Daidalos evaluation framework used by the Daidalos research project and highlight some of the managerial and organisational aspects involved during this process.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Departments or Groups: Walton Institute for Information and Communications Systems Science > Communications Infrastructure Management
Divisions: School of Science > Department of Computing, Maths and Physics
Date Deposited: 13 Jan 2010 14:25
Last Modified: 22 Aug 2016 10:26

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